Speak Positive About Real Estate Market in Your Town and Do Not Discount Consumer Confidence

In business, we often say that the customer is King and indeed, the consumer is the supreme authority, not only on which products and services they purchase but also on the economy itself. If consumers believe the economy is going well then they will continue to spend, but if they feel poor or they think the economy is tanking or that we are going into a recession, they will stop spending.Consumer economics is fascinating, especially the “consumer confidence” which appears to be 1/3 of the performance of our GDP. At the Online Think Tank, we follow it all very closely, especially right now – sinking dollar, subprime fallout, retail Q4 results, toy imports, auto sales, small business VS. box stores, etc.In the real estate sector, it is particularly important to have a strong consumer confidence level in the economy and the housing markets. The housing real estate market will rebound much faster if people have confidence in the real estate valuations and believe they will go back up. If homebuyers do not believe that the real estate prices will go back up then they will create a self-fulfilling prophecy and that is exactly what will happen.This is why it is very important for government officials, economists and the Fed to put a good spin on the future prospects of the economy and the housing market. If the stock market, real estate industry and consumers believe that this market downturn is only a short-term problem, then the problem will be over shortly. Some folks have criticized the Bush Administration’s plan to shore up the free fall of foreclosures and lack of confidence in the housing markets.Anything that the Bush administration or government can do to return the confidence is all good and even a mere public relations strategy is worthy of note. Having lenders and consumers talk to each other and giving everyone a brief timeout to prevent a landslide of foreclosures in the first half of the year of 2008 is a good thing. Currently, we all know that there is a lot of supply of homes for sale on the market and the prices are depressed and soft. Saying we are in a buyer’s market is somewhat of an understatement right now.Many buyers who are interested in buying a home are holding off or they are making completely lowball bids and each home seller, who takes such an offer helps drive the prices in the neighborhood down even further. This creates more homeowners who are upside down in equity that are willing to walk from their properties and leave the bank with the problems, thus putting more homes on the market – times about 3 million, which is predicted to happen in 2008.The best thing Real Estate Professionals, Federal Reserve, Bush Administration, Wall Street Analysts and Economists can do, is to explain rationally what is going on and help return the confidence to the market by staying positive – that’s true leadership. The real estate market goes through cycles and this is no surprise as every industry sector goes through rotations. At the top of the bubble there were obviously lots of deals going on based on irrational exuberance and when that balloon popped, the bottom dropped.If you are a real estate professional, I advise you to dump the negativity and start talking up your neighborhoods and communities. Talk about why you live in such a great area and why there is still demand for homes in your city. This is the best thing you can do to help the market return. It is time that all real estate professionals become part of the solution and not part of the problem. This is definitely something to contemplate in 2008.I would please like to have your “Personal Commitment” in writing below, by way of a comment stating that you will pull your weight in your market to help the residential real estate market return. This is serious and if you are not going to help solve the problem, then maybe you should find another profession? What say you?

5 Tips To Help You Purchase An Air Purifier For Your Business

Today, businesses around the world are getting back to normal after the pandemic. However, there is still a lot of risk of airborne transmission of bacteria and viruses. Due to wearing a mask and staying away from people, most people have become weaker as far as immunity is concerned. Therefore, they are unable to protect themselves against respiratory viruses, such as the common cold and flu. If you are in this situation, we suggest that you invest in a good air purifier. Given below is a description of 5 tips that can help you purchase the best unit.


We suggest that you go for the best technology to cover your needs. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), air purifiers with HEPA filters can help you capture tiny particles of COVID-19. As a supplemental treatment, you can also go for germicidal ultraviolet light.

The good thing about HEPA filters is that they are made to capture more than 99% of airborne particles. They also have a high filtration capacity.

Strong Airflow

According to CDC, your chosen unit should have a powerful fan for the best circulation of air in your home or office. In other words, you cannot use residential units in your office or other commercial building. The reason is that they have weekend fans.

The point is that high-powered fans create a lot of air pressure. The idea is to make sure that there is enough airflow for proper air circulation across the whole place. For a commercial, you may want to invest in a medical-grade air purifier.


Reputation is another major factor that you must consider. If you want to purchase a business air purifier, we suggest that you don’t just buy from any reputable brand. What you need to do is consider independent scientific testing performed in real-life situations. Besides, these tests should be done at a reputable center for validating claims.

Besides, you may want to consider case studies and get in touch with a few quoted customers in order to know about their experience. As a matter of fact, most buyers can happily share their views about the products that they have purchased.

So, you may want to read the sustainability credentials of the manufacturer before making this purchase for the first time.


You may want to purchase these devices as if you are going to make an investment. You may not want to take it as a cost or expense. Unlike a residential air purifier, hospital-grade units are far more expensive. Therefore, you may want to consider the cost factor before setting your project and purchasing these units for your business needs.


Long story short, we suggest that you consider these essential factors if you are going to purchase an air purifier for your business for the first time. The idea is to ensure that you get the best product that will cover your needs and stand the test of time. Hopefully, these five tips will help you make an informed decision.